Common GLD and Educational Terms


A condition that affects written output.

School Based Case Manager

The School Based Case Manager coordinated the transfer of information from elementary to secondary schools. The case manager also acts as a guide and resource person to the parents and school.

Placement Meeting

Placement Meeting describes the student placement process for district class placement. The committee for district class placement is comprised of learning services team members. Application deadline for district secondary classes are Januarto - February of the student's grade 7 year. This process is not for students making transition from grade 7 to 8 within their neighbourhood schools as they would be supported by their school based resource staff.

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

An IEP is a collaborative document developed for a student which outlines goals and strategies necessary for successful transition to and inclusion in high school. Practical skill building needs to be included in an IEP that would serve as a transition plan. Examples include: organization skills, best teaching practices and time management skills. IEP meetings include school based team, parents, case manager, specialists involved with the student, and the student themselves when applicable. Parents receive a copy of the IEP. The assigned school based case manager is responsible for maintaining the official documentation.

Modified Education Program

A modified education program has learning outcomes which are substantially different from the prescribed cirriculum and specifically selected to meet the student's special needs. To enable achievement, a student's program may include some cources that are modified and others that have adaptations.


An education program with adaptations retains the learning outcomes of the regular curriculum, and is provided so that the student can participate in the program. Adaptations are teaching and assessment strategies made to accomodate the student's special needs, and may include alternate formats, instructional strategies and assessment procedures. Students with educational programs that include adptations are assessed using the standards for the course or program and can receive credit towards a Dogwood certificate for their work.

School Based Team

A School Based Team is an ongoing team of school based personel which act as a problem solving group in assisting classroom teachers to develop and implement instructional and management strategies and to coordinate support resources for students with special needs.

Students with Special Needs

Any student who has a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature, a learning disability or an exceptional gift or talent.

Articulation Meeting

An Articulation Meeting is a meeting of elementary or secondary School Based Team members for the purpose of managing a student's transition from grade 7 to grade 8. Parents are not involved in this meeting.

Transition Meeting

In a Transition Meeting, information is shared between school, special education staff, and parents/guardians regarding the recommendations for support. Students should be encouraged to take part as an oppurtunity to develop skills in self-awarenedd and self-confidence. The outcomes of the Articulation Meeting may be included in this meeting.